Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Saturday 9 May 2009 - World Fair Trade Day

World Fair Trade Day is a global event focused on making Fair Trade a worldwide economic solution to the big issues we face today. It is so important to support Fair Trade, as we are supporting the people that make the items that we buy and supporting the environment.

Events include: Fair Trade breakfasts, talks, markets, live performances, fashion shows, carnivals, processions and protests, and to drive Fair Trade sales.

World Fair Trade Organisation presents the
BIG BANG! A wake-up-call for the planet Drumming will encircle the planet from first light to last light, a journey of 48hrs, a ‘global day’ of change; representing 110million Fair Traders, $2.3bn products & produce and a100% commitment to change!

For more information: www.worldfairtradeday09.org

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