Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Why use cotton nappies?

I decided to use cotton nappies with both of my children as I wanted to help our environment and save money.

However it has had a better impact as my son is now potty trained at 20 months and I have just put away the cotton nappies for good. My daughter was the same and I believe this is largely due to using real nappies as they can feel when they are wetting themselves.

Here are five other reasons why I use cotton nappies:

  1. Real nappies are easy to use: No folding and pinning like my mum had to do (and she had twins!)! They are easy to put on they either come with snaps or velcro for the perfect fit, even dads will have no excuse for not being able to change a nappy. They come in a variety of materials, colours and patterns there is a great choice. (My county council also provides me with some free real nappies to get you started - does yours?)

  2. No chemicals. Chemicals used to absorb liquid in disposable nappies are also close to your babies skin. With real nappies, no chemicals. Don’t forget these same chemicals end up in landfills and have an effect on our environment by also ending up in our waters.

  3. Real nappies are easy to wash. I use persil on a hot wash and they always come out clean. I also use nappy liners to keep the nappies free from being soiled.

  4. Gentle on the skin. The wicking action of real nappies pulls liquids away from your baby’s bottom. Baby’s gentle untouched skin needs to be treated with care, what better way than with real nappies.

  5. Save thousands of pounds. I know I am paying for liners and electricity to wash the nappies but I think this outways the cost of disposable nappies as well as the fact that they will go to landfill and will never decompose!

Just give it a go you will be amazed how easy it is to do.

For more information I would recommend the Real Nappy Information Service as it provides comprehensive information on all aspects of real nappies.

New born Baby Gifts

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